News & Events

Latest News

Lifechanging Pension Credit

1500 local people of pension age are still missing out on a benefit called Pension Credit, which helps top up low incomes. Here's an update on one client who recently started claiming Pension...

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Upcoming Events

FREE Cooking Club

FREE Cooking Club

Are you 65 or over, living alone and don't know how to cook for yourself....

Past Events

Visit us Wednesdays at the Council Hub

Join us every Wednesday from 10am to 1pm for face-to-face advice about the grants we offer.

The Hub – St Albans
City & District Council, Civic Centre
St Albans AL1 3JE

Trust is available to come to events for older people as well as doing talks. 

Here are some photos of the Trust events and attending other events in the District. 

Senior Couple

If you are 60+, resident in the St Albans District and not easily able to afford items or services please contact us.

07541 659442